Foreign Market
At the time of establishing the highest quality parameters for all its product line, TOLEDO POULTRY has developed a philosophy of work that widely exceeds the concept of production, allowing the company to reach a solid international positioning.
Nowadays, the company keeps an important policy of trade agreements with different countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. In these markets, “TOLEDO POULTRY” is a brand that enjoys an excellent acceptance, what is sustained both in quality and in demanding international biosafety controls that ensure a product of first level category.
The exports of TOLEDO POULTRY started in 2002, and in 2010 represent 30% of our sales in volume, with 25 different destinations in 4 continents, its main clients being:
Americas: Chile, Perú, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Antillas Holandesas - Curacao.
Africa: Senegal, Costa de Marfil, Ghana, Camerún, Gabón, Angola, Islas Mayote, Egipto, Sudáfrica, República Democrática del Congo, Sudán.
Asia: China, Japón, Yemen, Vietnam, Turquía, Armenia, Líbano, Rusia.
Europe: Suecia, Suiza, Inglaterra, Alemania, Croacia, Francia, España, Italia, Grecia, Chipre, Ucrania, Rep. Checa, Rumania, Tahití, Austria, Bélgica.